Monday, August 11, 2008

What Have You Done for Them Lately??

Oooooo Yeah!

Janet Jackson (Miss Jackson if you're nasty) made that a popular phrase a few years back. "What Have You Done for me Lately? Although she made it popular, she was only expressing the way most people tend to think.

Most of the time people's  memories of you consist of the latest thing you have done for them. As much as we would like them to have longer memories that isn't always the case.  People sometimes forget the things you have done for them even the things you put up with from them. When comparing checklist you will find that your list of things you have done for others will often be longer than the list they have of things you have done for them.

It's important to remember this because if you don't you will often find yourself shocked and disappointed when people begin to treat you like a stranger, or forget that it was you who was there when they were struggling and down and out.  If you don't remember this you will occasionally get your feelings hurt when people approach you with open palms looking for more as if you haven't given enough already.

It's important that you remember this because as much as we would like for people to remember all of the good things that we have done for them...the truth is that...

sometimes they forget