Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hit & Run...pt1

I couldn’t wait to get home that day. I knew I had to hurry because I only had one hour for lunch and twenty minutes of that was going to be eaten up on the bike ride there and back. Even now as I look back at that day I can’t help but notice the irony. I had made that bike ride many times before, no helmet, no pads (those things were for sissies) riding in the middle of the street with little regard for safety and had never once had any problems, until that day, when  I decided to “play it safe” and ride on the sidewalk.

I made my way to the sidewalk and proceeded in the direction of home, but before I even had a chance to feel good about my new found safety conscious, I was startled by a vehicle rocketing toward me, hitting me and knocking me from my bike, then running over me and leaving me there for dead. There I was laying on the sidewalk, broken and bleeding, unconscious and fighting for my life. So much for “playing it safe.”

to be cont...