Sunday, August 10, 2008

DWB (Driving While Black)

Sometimes I forget that I am a Black Man. That might sound crazy but it's true. sometimes  I forget that I am Black. I don't forget what I look like, nor do I forget any of my cultural and genetic what I forget is what it means to be a Black male in America.

During these moments of amnesia, my memory is often jolted when it comes crashing into the reality of the environment around me. For example there are days when I walk into an establishment seeking their provided services. It completely escapes me that I am Black as I approach the service desk, I'm happy and smiling ready to explain what it is that I need assistance with. Unfortunately I am reminded of my ethnicity when I addressed rudely, passed over and ignored, only to later see the same people brighten up and happily serve someone who came in after me who wasn't black. This even happens when I am making large purchases, I get the same treatment until I pull out money and then it appears that the color green overrides the fact that I am Black.

Most of the time my reminders that I am black come when I am driving along minding my own business. I am always observing the speed limit and obeying all of the traffic laws and yet I managed to get pulled over...apparently because I either look like someone or I may be related or know about someone whom the police happens to be looking for. I documented on of these occurrences in the published article "I Aint Be Got No Weapon!"  (you can read it here)

One thing is clear...until there are some major changes in society I need to remember that when I leave outside the multicultural confines of my own home and enter society....that I am a Black Man.  You would think that with all the reminders that I have that I would remember this...but the truth is...
sometimes I forget